Grantee Partners

Rounds I, III and VI: Black Powerbuilding Networks

For our first, third, and sixth round of grantmaking, we invested into our three anchor networks, which are focused on strengthening democracy and building Black futures. These three established Black networks have proven, long-term working relationships with more than 50 groups organizing or serving Black communities across California.

Rounds I, III and VI Grantee Partners

Round II: Grassroots Open Round

For our second round of grantmaking, we invested nearly $9 million in general operating support grants to 74 Black Powerbuilding Organizations around the state.

Round II Grantee Partners

Round IV: Policy and Advocacy Open Round

For our fourth round of grantmaking, we awarded $4.3 million to 15 Black Powerbuilding organizations committed to policy and advocacy work, with a focus on under-resourced regions. Seven out of the 15 organizations funded serve the Inland Empire.

Round IV Grantee Partners

Round V: Responsive Racial Justice Invitation Only Round

For our fifth round of grantmaking, we awarded a total of $1 million to five groups organizing Black communities in Los Angeles to build power and dismantle anti-Black systemic racism.

Round V Grantee Partners

Round VII: Civic Engagement Open Round

For our seventh round of grantmaking, we invested $3.5 million in 75 Black-led groups across California to increase civic engagement and impact in Black communities.

Round VII Grantee Partners